Wednesday 14 December 2011

Evaluation (559) Samantha Jones

We used the technique of brainstorming to generate ideas for this project, we also all said what we would like to get out of this project at the beginning so we could develop the project to flow around the goals that we all wanted to achieve. For example I wanted to make the most of the facilities available and learn about new techniques and equipment. All of my personal goals I feel were achieved apart from that I would have liked to get comfortable with using the green screen.

When experimenting with lighting I think we covered many avenues, we tried different numbers of red heads and bounce screens, played with the height of the light, spotlighting and filters.

I think the set building and arrangement of the set came quite naturally to us whilst on set. I am glad we improvised because you can’t always foresee certain problems and improvisation is necessary. It also let us be spontaneous, which produced unexpected yet positive outcomes. I feel in particular the building a set from scratch added a theatrical sense to our work.

We got in contact with the collage about using the main hall to film outside of elective times apparently it was near to impossible to use outside of these times. If it were possible to have outside hour’s time, we would have done more filming. We ended up using one of the photography studios to do the boat animation and our studio space to make the doll animations.  We used the sound booth and on one occasion the mac suite to record audio. Good planning enabled us to get an actress in at times that we had the studios booked out.

My main part in editing was the visuals and finding sound from outside sources. I found most sounds on ‘’ and a song called ‘Wolly wolly gong’ by tune-yards.

I found working within collaboration a valuable experience. I feel I have developed new people skills, delegation techniques and have a new understanding about ownership of work. At points in the project there were conflicts about where we wanted to take the work and what we wanted it to look like- this was mostly in editing. We got around this by working in twos instead of in a 4. It is easier to negotiate and I feel we are much more productive.

I feel the positive points of working in a collaboration are that there are more ideas on the table, problem solving is quicker and easier- If you have a conversation with someone about a problem it is resolved with more efficiency. I think that we have produced a piece of work that is unique to us and that I would not have been the same work if we didn’t all have input. I also feel that providing support when everything was stressful is a main advantage of collaboration. For example if something needed to be done, we were all on the ball and kept each other relaxed about it.

Over all I have found this experience extremely valuable, i feel the freedom we were given has enabled me to learn in depth about equipment and software, and it has enabled me to travel down idea avenues that I would not have necessarily had the chance to go down on my own. 

Tuesday 13 December 2011